As the Google Play version is still under review, we will delay the update and the airdrop of the new cat NFT until the review i

30 Sep 2022, 07:58
As the Google Play version is still under review, we will delay the update and the airdrop of the new cat NFT until the review is complete. We will record the snapshot data for the new cat airdrop eligibility at 08:00 UTC today. And we will proceed with the airdrop and season rewards after the update is complete. PVP Season 1 will end at 07:00 UTC today. You will still be able to play PVP after the season ends. But the ranking score will not change. The new season will open after the update. The pending updates are as follows. 1. New: Human Verification. To detect bot players, players need to complete the human verification to continue the game. 2. New: Support team. You can form a support team and get the support bonus for the PVP and Co-op games. 3. New: Fortune Cat Statue. A new kind of NFT in Rise of Cats. You can place the cat statue into the support team and get support points. 4. New: Login by Wallet Connect. You can deposit or withdraw tokens and NFTs after login by Wallet Connect. 5. New: Bonus for profile pic frames are now displayed separately. 6. Optimized: The withdrawal countdown for BNB and CATE has been adjusted to 24 hours. 7. Optimized: You can quit the player profile page in a bad network instead of being stuck. 8. Optimized: You can click the link in the descriptions of blindboxes and go to the page. 9. Optimized: The leaderboard display. 10. Optimized: The PVP season avatar has been adjusted. 11. Optimized: The CateCoin and CatPay icon. 12. Optimized: Players cannot surrender in 10 seconds after the game starts. 13. Fixed: Text errors and description errors. 14. Other bug fixes and improvements. Download Game Official Version: Google Play Version: Thank you for your support.